Saturday, October 15, 2011

Meade LX90 8109031 Telescope

Meade LX90 8109031 Telescope

LX90 8''/2000mm f/10 Astro Telescope - Motorized Schmidt-Cassegrain with #497 Autostar Computer Hand Control, Autostar Suite Software, Lunar Planetary Imager, Tripod & Ultra-High Transmission Coatings

Product Review

In all of the hype about GPS-capable mounts, Meade's LX-90 seems to have been left behind by its glitzier SCT relatives. For most observers this telescope offers impressive capabilities at a reasonable price. What it does well is point in the right direction, gather light well, and let the observer.

My first telescope was a 1984 Celestron Super C8 8" Schmidt-Cassegrain. That was a great first scope, highly portable. It did have some deficiencies - hard to handle tripod, difficult to polar align. After about 6 years, I came down with "Twoinchitis"

What an amazing scope! I love the optics and the Autostar computer. The learning curve is not too bad...I never had a SCT computerized scope before, but I learned within a few sessions and have been enjoying myself ever since.

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